For some tips on making a good overland video you could view..“10,000 miles south“ (a couple of Poms in a land rover)…or how about the one featuring more Poms going overland to Pakistan (onto Australia) in what looks like a Nissan 4wd…good theme music…good shots of the Baluchistan desert as the sun goes down.Or a couple of You could put on a polarised to get better colour saturation and only film during early morning or late afternoon….of course a more expensive camera would give better definition. Regards Ted (New Zealand)
For some tips on making a good overland video you could view..“10,000 miles south“ (a couple of Poms in a land rover)…or how about the one featuring more Poms going overland to Pakistan (onto Australia) in what looks like a Nissan 4wd…good theme music…good shots of the Baluchistan desert as the sun goes down.Or a couple of
You could put on a polarised to get better colour saturation and only film during early morning or late afternoon….of course a more expensive camera would give better definition.
Regards Ted (New Zealand)